2 Ways to Avoid Regaining the Weight You Worked So Hard to Lose

After working with hundreds of clients, it’s become clear what successful clients do.

#1 Have a Plan.

With so many diets out there, clients come to us confused and frustrated because they don’t know what is right for them.

To be successful, you need a plan that guides you on what to eat and how much. You can eat all the right foods, but if you aren’t eating the right amount, you won’t see the results you are looking for.

You can also be eating the right number of calories, but not the right macronutrients and lose fat/gain muscle. Getting plenty of carbs and fats, with only minimal protein intake, is a scenario we see many clients face. Whilst this may provide plenty of energy, it does little for appetite satiation and muscle development and rebuilding. Conversely, consuming too many calories by liquid form, via protein shakes, thinking we’re being healthy can cause weight gain by stealth.

Having the experience of an expert quarterbacking you through such scenarios is priceless in its value.

#2 Track Your Progress.

Studies show you are 50% more successful when you log your food. Clients who track their intake are more aware of what they are eating, which helps them stay on track.

Successful clients also track their progress. We recommend tracking weight, body fat and actual measurements. Inches fall off faster than anything else. Those successes lead to motivation. During a recent nutrition consult with a client, we compared bodyweight to a meeting 2 months earlier, and the results were not what insta-experts would have you believe are possible in 60 days. Once we compared measurements, the real magic showed itself. The client in question had shed an amazing 36 inches in total. Results like this make tracking your progress so much more worthwhile!

Nutrition is a science that takes years to understand. Luckily, if you are working with an expert, they can create a plan customized for you and your needs.

Don’t be fooled by social media and quick fixes.

Have a plan then track your progress.

If you are looking for a plan, like many of our clients, book an appointment here today.

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