We have a clearly defined philosophy when it comes to our CrossFit program.
You can find out more about our take on Fitness here. There are no shortcuts on the road to success (or fitness) and we believe in teaching people the importance of longevity, “Less is most definitely More“!
CrossFit is an amazing training methodology when applied correctly and CFHV has perfected the “Art of CrossFit”. The CFHV brand of CrossFit is a strength-based program, with an emphasis on efficiency and mastering movement, all of which equates to all-round fitness.
We pride ourselves on our standards for coaching, with each class consisting of “Coach-led” Warm-Up and Mobility sessions, followed by Stability and Activation work that leads into either a Strength movement or new Skill.
Once we have put in some hard work, it is on to the “Met-con” followed by a Cool Down.
The Key Factors. Greg Glassman, a former gymnast, founded CrossFit®, Inc. in 2000. In his years coaching elite athletes, Coach Glassman found that the best way to optimal fitness was not through specialization but rather through “constantly varied, functional movement, performed at high intensity.” In short, combining elements of Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics, sprinting, rowing and core conditioning to improve overall flexibility, strength, speed, endurance and agility.
“Constantly Varied” means that every day brings a different workout (or “WOD”), incorporating any combination of these elements. At CFHV you (yes, you!) will skip, climb ropes, swing kettlebells and flip tires, working at pull-ups, muscle-ups, handstands and push-ups. You will practice squats, dips, cleans, jerks, snatches and deadlifts as well as rowing, running and box jumps. Each day brings different exercises specifically designed to work on different muscle groups and/or cardiovascular strength.
“Functional Movement” refers to maintaining a safe, efficient position to power through a movement. There are many misconceptions relating to CrossFit; the truth is much of what we do in our workouts mirrors activities in our daily lives. To the uninitiated, flipping a tire looks like crazy, “he-man” work. But if you’ve ever had to turn your mattress, you already know the movement. Cleaning a medicine ball may appear strange, but consider what your body does when putting a bag of dog food in the boot of your car. The coaches at CFHV will help you maintain the correct position in a workout – both to keep you and other safes as well as to maximize efficiency.
“High Intensity” is an approach that can appear at first difficult for new CrossFitters to grasp. For many, a workout’s benefits lay in the number of hours spent in the gym. You will never hear one of our members say, “I had a great workout; I was in the gym for four hours!” You are much more likely to hear, “I finished in 8 minutes.” People come here sceptical that a high-intensity workout, done in a fraction of the time as they are used to, can lead to faster, better results.
But results don’t lie.