One of my biggest issues with this nutrition change was always going to be complacency; I just didn’t think it would happen so quickly.

Week 2 started pretty well.

I halved my weekly food prep time and I even remembered my breakfast on Monday morning, though old habits started creeping back in. I downed 3 mini bacon and egg pies during one of the numerous work shouts of the week, and one afternoon I even managed to find myself buying lollie cake from the food truck just down the road from work.

None of these things are bad, but add them up over the course of a week, and it really doesn’t help. I made the mistake of weighing myself first thing Monday morning and seeing the 1.5kg weight loss from the first week I guess I subconsciously decided I could give myself a bit of leeway. 

I took a couple of days off work at the end of the week, and being home during the week didn’t help the cause either! Close proximity to a fridge full of food doesn’t bode well for me, and though I had all my prepped food there, I found myself craving other stuff just because it was there.

I rounded out the week by going away for the weekend with my wife, some friends and our kids. There was no way I was going to take my prepped dinner/lunch along, so I just tried to be careful with what I ate/drank. I still took over healthy snack options and breakfast so it worked pretty well, and I tried to avoid the chips and dip as much as possible, although (un) luckily for me, my wife loves the stuff!

Flow on effects

The major downside of the weekend away was that we got back late Sunday afternoon, and the last thing I wanted was to spend a couple of hours in the kitchen prepping food for the following week. I decided to make enough for Monday and then tackled the rest after work on Monday night.

The rest of the week I was pretty good. I managed to stick with everything, though I found myself getting really sick of eating reheated food for lunch and dinner. So I made the decision to trial prepping everything for during the day, and cooking dinners nightly from next week. I still plan to control portion sizes by measuring my blocks, but I’ll cook from scratch instead.

Real life

I’m still trying to figure out how people that carefully count macros and diet have a normal social life? It must get boring eating the same shit every day.

My personal opinion is that eating healthy shouldn't get in the way of enjoying life, and punishing yourself for ordering a lime milkshake is of no benefit to anyone. 
I had Friday off for my better halves’ birthday, and we went out for a child-free lunch, I had a beef quinoa salad thing, and a lime milkshake. I’m not about to feel guilty for ordering what I did. Nor was I guilty about having tacos for dinner on Saturday night, its all about maintaining a healthy balance and not making it feel like a chore.  

I’m still figuring out the right balance after 3 weeks and I’m getting close. Despite a couple of weeks of not really sticking to my food plan as best I could, it didn’t cost me anything in terms of weight gain. I’m feeling a lot more positive about being able to sustain this plan for the long term. I’ll just have to see how the rest of weeks play out.
Thanks for reading


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