Visit our Facebook page or website, and it’s almost certain you’ll see the term “No Sweat Intro” a number of times.

This is our first contact with You, a 30-minute chat to find out more about You, and because of that, it’s Free.

That’s right, not $10 not $50 but a whole 30 minutes FREE.

Before we get you moving, before we have you hitting PT or group fitness classes, we want to know a little more about You, who You are and what You’re looking for.

We all know that going somewhere new, and meeting new people, especially as an adult, can be a little scary, and we love to retain a little control over what happens to us in such situations. With our No Sweat Intro, you get to do exactly that. There’s no being thrown straight into a class of strangers, with strange movements and weird workout terms, leaving you feeling out of your depth and uncomfortable.

Instead, we pull up a comfy seat on the couch and have a chat about You. We want to know about what brings you to talk to us, about what motivated you to come in to see us. We want to know about your current successes, about what you are most proud of recently achieving. That might be as simple as booking in for a chat with us.

Most of us will also know from previous experience with the health and fitness industry, that someone is going to try and sell us something, a great value 24-month contract for instance, that turns into a savings account for the gym you bought it from.

With our No Sweat Intro, you’ll never experience any of that. We’ll talk to you about your requirements, and suggest what we feel is the appropriate course of action based on your needs. At NO point will anyone try to sell you anything.

In fact, we take great pride in you being the decision-maker, whether it’s there and then or six months down the track.

The beauty of being a small business owner is that we get to set the rules. There are no crazy sales targets or sign up bonuses based on how many members we get through the door.

We operate a Help First approach, based on giving, rather than selling, advice and knowledge.

If you don’t believe us, sign up for your very own No Sweat Intro here.

Cheers Coach Paul

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