Last week some of you would have read about how overhead lunges equal success. You’ll have also read a quick line about Infinite games, and finite ones too. A Finite game is bound by rules, time, outcomes and expectations. Simply, you’re playing to win....
The chances are you’ve already failed today, and you probably thought nothing of it. I’ve just spent 15 minutes failing to help my mum get access to her email, I failed to write this post earlier and I failed to make sure I consumed a balanced nutritional...
When I was a kid, I was a mischevious bugger. One hot summers day, I took my Grandfather’s magnifying glass, and I used it to harness the sun’s energy for less than ideal purposes. My Grandfather had ants in his garden, and I would trap one, exposing it to...
A common question I hear is “Why is it so expensive?” In my head, I want to say, “Expensive compared to the BMW you drove here in? Or the iPhone X you called on to ask me that question?” But thankfully, the smarter me prevails, and thinks; For some people, it’s truly...
I was a miserable bugger. I’d adopted the mannerisms manner small business owners think are the battle scars they need to be successful: – Working as many hours as possible – Not delegating – Thinking no-one knew better than me. The outcome of this...
Dear XYZ, You’re always looking for something different. You’re not sure what to do. Every day you tell yourself “it’ll be different today”. We tell ourselves that today will be different. That we won’t hit “snooze” and instead get...