You know what is coming…

Decorations are already going up; kids are already writing their present list, and people like me are writing blog posts like this!

That’s right, like an unholy apparition from Game of Thrones, Christmas is coming!

Movie re-runs, making small talk with family members you haven’t seen for months and sitting in traffic for hours on end, the joys of the festive period are nearly upon us.

But worst of all, you may end up somewhere with a lot of food.

Even more likely, you did not choose, prepare, or have a say concerning all the food involved.

We know this time of year brings with it nutritional challenges of themselves.

We will be invited to work functions or family barbeques, at which many of those participating do not share the same values as us.

Does this mean we get upset at them?

Absolutely not.

We will not change our situation, or the views of others, by criticizing.

What can we do?

We can go in with a plan.

Much like the approach to the grocery store, we must have a course of action when we know many parts of the pie (pun intended) are not for us.

If I had to pick three things to focus on, I would hone these three tactics down:

DOUBLE up on the meat. By eating additional meat, you will be eating additional healthy fats, which in turn will keep you more satisfied.

WAIT 5 minutes before you go for a second helping. The body adapts. Just like the body adapts to training stress, the stomach adapts to intake. If we keep taking in, the stomach will accommodate and continue to allow us to eat more even though we have had enough. So instead of hopping right up for additional food, wait until 5 minutes after you finish your first plate to get a second one. You might be surprised how full you feel.

PREPARE a dish that benefits others. We cannot control what else is there, but we can have an impact overall if we fix something in line with our values. Even better, we can help others break the “eating healthy tastes bad” stigma. So when you are asked to prepare a dish, find a compliant recipe for your item and help others improve their quality of life.

These three tactics will help you regardless of the function you are going to.

The Christmas period can a big one, but it is survivable if you have a plan!


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