I hesitated to tell my story because I’m not sure it is everyone’s path, or really that inspiring. I’ve not had to overcome adversity or battle with anything other than just my own laziness and lack of self-motivation. However, I decided that if I have lived my experience perhaps someone else has too, so it’s always worth a share!

My story begins when I was living in Abu Dhabi. For most of my 2.5 years there, I was a member at a big warehouse-style gym – with classes that ran CrossFit-like workouts.

My reasons for joining were mostly because it was across the road from my apartment, but also because my colleague wanted a gym buddy to join her. I’d never really been a “gym bunny”, but quickly found that in the right circumstances I really do enjoy getting fit.

There I learnt how to do a little weightlifting, HIIT, and most importantly learned the value of joining a gym with a solid community where you can easily make new friends (this is an essential skill when living abroad as an expat!).

The time soon came when I was planning to return home again. I had really enjoyed my gym experience so far, but did note that the classes there were huge with little supervision (imagine, just one coach, with sometimes 40-50 people per class!).

I knew deep down that in New Zealand I would eventually turn to CrossFit to scratch this fitness itch. I had actually been interested in CrossFit for about 5-6 years, and more recently had even stayed up all night to watch live streams of the CrossFit games.

However, up to that point, I had never tried a class.

When I first landed back home I didn’t have a job, so I joined the cheap Globo-gym style gym. I found that I quickly lost motivation to go workout, and when I was there I was frustrated that I couldn’t easily practice gymnastics skills like pull-ups.

Also, if I wanted to do an amrap or rounds-for-time workout I never could find the right equipment free at the right time.


However, the last straw for me came quite unexpectedly – and in retrospect quite comedically!

One day, as you do, I had swiped right and matched with a guy on Tinder. After a few chats back and forth he says to me “Guess what – I recognise you from the gym!”

Cue: major cringe, factor 50.

I was horrified at the idea that people may see me, recognise me, remember me when I know absolutely nothing of them. Needless to say, I didn’t progress that match and also reviewed my gym choices!

This experience quickly made up my mind that I needed to find somewhere with a great community, where I could work out the way I wanted to, feel motivated, and also know the names and stories of the people I was working out next to.

I quickly logged a “No sweat intro” with Paul, joined my first class after a brief on-ramp period, and have never looked back.

I’m by no means an elite athlete, but I always feel valued, supported and strong when I am in CFHV.

I’m slowly but surely progressing and I really notice it when I go to do the gardening or play with my nieces and nephews.

I’m in it for the long game – so that I’m fit and strong and ready for life.

I have lots of fitness and strength goals for 2020, but mostly my goal is to keep having fun with this amazing group of people!



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