Meet Millie.

Millie is one of our 0545 class superstars, getting her sweat on while most are still fast asleep.

We caught up with Millie to hear her My CFHV story.

What brought you to CrossFit Hutt Valley in the first place?

I wanted to get fit after having my two children. I’d had a number of ‘gym charities’ in the past and wanted to try something different and go waaaaay out of my comfort zone.

My two wonderful neighbours Faye and Donny had started CFHV so I decided to come along.

 What was your first impression? How has that changed?

I started in April 2014 and barely slept the night before I started…I was so nervous!

I expected a bunch of hulking CrossFiters like you see on YouTube (don’t watch them before you start!?) – what I found was a really friendly, supportive bunch of people wanting to improve their fitness.

I’ve always gone to the 5:45am classes with all the other bleary-eyed crazies who try and fit a class in before the day gets too busy.

I love the early morning crew – we do our runs undercover in the dark before most other people are up.

What was your first “eureka moment”?

When I graduated from stepping up onto the baby box to jumping onto the big box.   

It was a really visual way to see my progress in action. Now box jumps are one of my favourite exercises.

What are you working on now?

I’m thinking about doing a triathlon now. I’ve built up my general fitness and am looking for a new challenge which will complement going to CFHV.

 What’s your favourite CFHV memory?

Since I’ve been at CFHV I’ve broken two bones – a wrist one year, and an ankle the next (totally CrossFit unrelated!).

During both injuries I’ve continued coming to the box and the terrific coaches have adapted the workouts to meet my ‘special needs’.

I got a pretty mean one-armed kettle bell swing going on! I love coming to CFHV – it is the only gym I have ever stuck to.

There is something different every day and you work with a cool bunch of people and great coaches.

And that’s Millie’s My CFHV story.

Thanks for taking the time to read it and stay tuned for another installment coming your way soon.

If you’d like to star in your own story, book a time to talk to one of our expert coaches here.

Stay healthy

Coach Paul

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