Playing the long game.

To some, today came as a surprise.

To others, maybe it was a little more expected.

It doesn’t matter whether you were right or wrong.

That’s the beauty of playing the long game, rather than playing to win.

That last statement may seem a little familiar to you.


It’s the key tenet of a major influence on the way we do things


The Infinite Game.

Popularised most recently by Simon Sinek, game theory has been around 75 years and deals with two main outcomes:

Finite Games – Playing to win

Infinite Games – Playing the long game

(For a deeper dive into the Infinite Game)


In times of stress or shock, it’s easy to default to a Finite mindset and retreat inward, basing decisions on emotion or anxiety levels.

What’s more challenging to do, but far more rewarding, is to maintain an Infinite mindset.

This allows us to remain compassionate, more understanding and more able to help others, as well as ourselves, navigate the path through challenging times.

We’re all about playing the long game.

From the way we programme workouts, the way we discuss nutrition through to the way we deal with the mindset behind successfully achieving your goals, playing the infinite game is the foundation.


How we’ll be keeping the game going.

From 12:00 today, we enter Level 2, meaning we’ll be applying the following:

  • hand-washing immediately upon entry
  • sneezing and coughing into your elbow
  • keep a track of where you’ve been and who you’ve seen
  • 1-metre distancing in the gym
  • wear a mask if you can

Hand Washing

We have three sinks in the gym, which means we’ll get through 8 people nice and quickly.

Contact Tracing

Our commitment to providing a client-focused experience means you only have 7 other people in a group with you. You’ll only be able to attend an appointment or training session with us if you’ve booked an appointment, as this allows us to keep track of your details and who’s been in the building and when. Please make sure your personal contact details are up to date.


At Alert Levels 2 the risk of COVID-19 being present in the community is higher. You should wear masks in situations where physical distancing is not possible, like on public transport or in shops. If you’d like to wear a mask at the gym, please feel comfortable to do so.


If you’re unwell

If you’re sick or feel like you have any symptoms of cold or flu, stay home. Don’t come to the gym.
If you have symptoms of cold or flu call your doctor or Healthline and get advice about being tested.
You’ll receive further advice from your healthcare provider if needed.

If you need further information, or clarification of the above, you can find a wealth of information here at the official COVID-19 website


Sticking together, playing the infinite game and taking a calm, sensible approach to the next few days is how we’re all going to get through this testing time.

If you are unsure about any of the above, or if you don’t feel comfortable coming into the gym over the next few days, please realise that is a completely normal reaction.

We’re here to help, so don’t be afraid to get in touch, even if it’s just for a chat (be warned, I love the sound of my own voice so you may instantly regret calling!)

You can contact us by phone on 04 650 4357, or by email at


Paul and the Ignite team





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