Delivering Fitness for Adults Aged 50+: Tailored Strength and Conditioning Programs As our global population ages, our need for specialised fitness programmes for older adults also grows. The challenge comes in how we create and deliver programmes to suit our...
Private, Semi-private or Legends? Ignite started as a private 1:1 training studio. In 2013, we added group training. A few years later, we added semiprivate (2:1, 3:1 or 4:1 training). Then we added our famous ‘Legends’ programme for people over 50...
Why do we move into retirement homes as we get older? It’s right there in the title: It comes down to the loss of physical independence. As we age, basic movement becomes much more difficult. We retire, our activity levels drop, we remember a conversation we...
What is fitness? If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably asked yourself this question, or something like it many times over your lifetime. Am I fit? How do I get fitter? Am I fitter than that guy? How fit do I need to be to do x or y…? It’s no surprise. Our...
When I was a kid, the title Coach only really popped up when watching sporting movies from the US. For movies like Rocky, Karate Kid and Cool Runnings, see Mickey, Mr Miyagi and Irv Blitzer all starring in this pivotal role. They all had different coaching styles....
Why did you start going to the gym? As a kid, I wasn’t the strongest. I didn’t have a huge amount of confidence and found myself hiding behind food and inactivity. I suffered from being a chubby wee thing, with a propensity to put weight on at the merest glimpse...